Harrow International Schools Creative Writing Competition 2020 With ‘Hey Pobble’ Results
Reading the many wonderful entries for the competition has been a hugely rewarding and exciting experience. We would like to thank all the entrants for their creative, imaginative, and beautifully written pieces of writing.
Three senior boys, the Head of English, and the Head Master, worked together to read the entries and make the very difficult decision about the results. Creating short lists for the three categories was very challenging indeed: it felt terrible to only pick a few when there were so many excellent entries. The boys who helped with the process said it was the most difficult but rewarding experience they have had all year, as well as one of the most enjoyable. They commented on how hugely inspiring it was to read this brilliant work from such young students. So, thank you for providing us with this opportunity.
Many congratulations to all the writers. Here are the results, with one winner per category and two highly commended.
Under 13s
The winning entry was ‘A Furious Inferno’ by Catherine from Harrow Hong Kong. The powerful imagery and sense of atmosphere in this poem was astounding. https://app.pobble.com/works/e30d4fd0
Highly commended goes to ‘Circle of Flames’ by Alicia from Harrow Hong Kong https://app.pobble.com/works/f9f42c55 and to ‘Circle of Flames’ by Tienson from Harrow Hong Kong. https://app.pobble.com/works/57045097
Under 10s
The winning entry was ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ by Daniel from Harrow Beijing. This was a remarkable piece of descriptive and narrative writing, with very impressive crafting of language for suspense. https://app.pobble.com/works/a910f50b
Highly commended goes to Barton from Harrow Hong Kong https://app.pobble.com/works/97125c26. and to Cookie from Harrow Beijing. https://app.pobble.com/works/39cdf45e
Special mention and a third highly commended goes to Emily from Harrow Shanghai for an excellent story with a wonderfully vivid imaginary world. https://app.pobble.com/works/1493071b
Under 7s
The winner of this competition was ‘Flight Club’ by Maggie from Harrow Beijing. This was an impressively detailed and exciting story, with excellent grappling with some challenging themes. We all thoroughly enjoyed reading this entry. https://app.pobble.com/works/dbab3f8f
Highly commended goes to Rain from Harrow Beijing https://app.pobble.com/works/5cb8a64a
and to Long Long from Harrow Hong Kong. https://app.pobble.com/works/10daf674
With thanks from Dylan, Gareth, Olufemi, Mrs Ashe, and Mr Land.