Nine Harrow Hong Kong pupils admirably took on a tough charity challenge on the water over the National Day holiday weekend.

The 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race is an annual event organised by the Hebe Haven Yacht Club raises, and the Prep School pupils proudly took up the challenge, sailing through the night and coping with just two to three hours’ sleep over the event to raise over HK$11,000 for good causes.

Poppy (Year 8, Nightingale), Henry (Year 7, Darwin), Nick (Year 8, Banks), Hugo (Year 8, Banks), Jackson (Year 7, Darwin), Tasman (Year 8, Fry), Sammy (Year 8, Shackleton), Penny (Year 6, Parks) and Charlie (Year 7, Banks) represented the School admirably and resiliently, gaining experience and beating some other teams in the process.

A special mention goes to team captain Charlie, who celebrated his 12th birthday at the event and shared his cake with his teammates.

Grateful thanks go to Ms Woodroffe, Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Robinson for their team organisation, shore support and motivation.