Year 2 Trip to Golden Beach
This term, Year Two are learning about Communities and Habitats. In class, the children have been considering the communities they belong to and how they contribute to them. On Wednesday 21st September, to give the children a deeper understanding of the school and its local community, the teachers and some very kind parent volunteers walked all the classes down to Golden Beach. On arrival at the beach, everyone had a replenishing snack and then the children were separated into groups to complete three activities in rotation.
The activities not only helped the children to really notice the distinct features of our local community but also to learn about the living things in our environment and the habitats in which they belong. The children worked very hard at their activities and responded extremely well to the outdoor learning.
They very much enjoyed having the chance to work collaboratively and being given the opportunity to share their excellent ideas. Returning to School, after an impressive walk back up the hill, the children enjoyed a picnic lunch in the cool of their classrooms. The children, parents and teachers all enjoyed this fun trip and there is no doubt that having this first hand experience of their local community will have a great benefit to the Year Two’s continued Theme learning this term.