
Harrow International School Hong Kong (the School) is one of the four international schools which are part of the ‘Harrow family’ of schools.

The School is independently owned and operated by a not-for-profit company registered in Hong Kong, Harrow International School Foundation Limited, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asia International Schools Ltd (AISL).

Asia International Schools Ltd
Suite 3503, 35/F, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2583 3162

On behalf of AISL, Harrow International Management Services Ltd (HIMS) oversees the running of all the Harrow International Schools. It provides technical advice and assistance to support the management of each school.

The School operates under an agreement with the Governors of Harrow School in the United Kingdom. Under that agreement, the School is permitted to use the Harrow name and Arms, and is required to have a Governing Board which, inter alia, is responsible for the overall philosophy, vision, culture and strategic direction of the School; compliance with governing documents and law; and ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the day to day operations of the School. The Governing Board is required to include two Governors of Harrow School (or their representatives), two representatives of the School’s owners, and one Director of HIMS. The Governing body is composed of the following members: 

  • A Chairman
  • Two Harrow School Governors, or their representatives
  • Two representatives of the owners of the School
  • One Director of Harrow International Management Services Limited
  • One independent expert in the field of international education.
  • Three other independent people with relevant expertise in education and/or other areas of activity relevant to the School’s activities

The presence of Harrow School Governors and HIMS in governance is to assure, amongst other things, a consistently high standard of education, reflecting Harrow School’s values and traditions of excellence.

The Board of Governors consists of twelve members:

  • On behalf of the owners – Hon Kenneth Lau (Chairman), Mr Daniel Chiu, Dr Rosanna Wong, Mr Eric Leung, Ms Louisa Ho and Dr Ahmed Hussain
  • Independent Governors – Mr Andrew McGregor, Mr Arnold Wong, Mr Bryan Gaw, Mr Johnny Mok, Ms Lesley Tyler and Dr Peter Lee

Chair of Governors

Hon Kenneth Lau (Chairman)
c/o AISL, Suite 3503, 35/F, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Hon Kenneth Lau
Mr Daniel Chiu
Mr Eric Leung
Ms Louisa Ho Yuk King
Dr Ahmed Hussain
Mr Andrew McGregor
Mr Bryan Gaw
Dr Peter Lee
Mr Johnny Mok
Mr Arnold Wong