Harrow International School Hong Kong is a selective school that seeks to admit those pupils with the aptitude, ability and personality to thrive in and contribute to its diverse international community. Factors important in deciding which pupils to admit are:
- Academic ability
- Commitment to a broad range of co-curricular activities
- Developing relationships in and around the School community
- Alignment with the School’s ethos
Given the diversity of nationalities and first languages among its pupil body, English is the only inclusive language of the School and applicants need to be proficient in English in order to access the full range of the curriculum and the community. The School’s admissions procedures, therefore, evaluate the current level of proficiency in English of all applicants in an age-appropriate way in order to assess their ability to access the curriculum.
Admissions Team
Cyme Leung
Admissions Manager
Leon Li
Admissions Officer & Parent Liaison Officer
Vivian Sun
Admissions Officer
Sylvia Lam
Admissions Officer
Christy Chan
Admissions & Marketing Officer