British Physics Olympiad

The British Physics Olympiad Competition is the first round of the British Physics Olympiad flagship competition and is entered annually by over 1,600 talented young physicists. The competition has a dual purpose: to challenge and reward the best physicists in the British schools and to select the UK physics Team for the International Physics Olympiad Competition.

This year over 1600 students participated again in the competition. Six of those participants came from Harrow Hong Kong and we are delighted with their results. The competition took place on Friday 13 November 2015 and was based on a two and a half hour paper with demanding questions that can be a challenge for even the most capable problem-solving physics students.

Overall there were 100 Gold, 100 Silver and 400 Bronze Medal Awards. Congratulations go to Agnes Fung (Y13, Smith) and Kevin Chau (Y13, Cale) for their Silver Medal Awards, to Bill Shao (Y13, Lloyd) and Howard Hall (Y13, Waterman) for their Bronzes and to Jonathan Chan (Y13, Lloyd) and Jouis Chua (Y13, Waterman) for their Commendation Awards.