Celebrating Cambridge and Ivy League offers

Harrow Hong Kong has affirmed its outstanding university offers track record in the 2018-19 round of applications.

Five pupils have received offers from the University of Cambridge; Nicole (Gellhorn), Emily (Keller), Douglass (Peel), Elbert (2018 Leaver) and Antoinette (Gellhorn) will be studying courses from English and Engineering to Mathematics and Economics.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, our Sport Prefect and Head of Sun House Ollie has managed to secure an early decision offer from Ivy League giant, the University of Pennsylvania.

Along with outstanding offers from St Andrews, University College London, Durham, Bristol, Warwick and Imperial College, two pupils, Andrew (Churchill) and Glory (Keller), were both offered a place to read Architecture at the prestigious Bartlett School of Architecture. Additionally, all four of our Economics applicants were accepted at the London School of Economics. Jeremy (Sun) has been offered a place to study Veterinary Medicine at both Bristol and Edinburgh. A special mention also goes to Amy (Keller) who has been offered a place at the prestigious Conservatoire, Trinity Laban.

In Asia, two pupils have been offered places at the elite Hong Kong University to study medicine and a further potential medic at the International Medical University, Malaysia.

“The Harrow Hong Kong family sends its warmest congratulations to our pupils for their outstanding university offers,” said Head, Ms Ann Haydon. “These are a reflection not only of their hard work and dedication, but they are also a testament to the commitment and guidance of our teaching staff, particularly the Sixth Form team and the Oxbridge and American University specialists who go above andbeyond to support, encourage and guide our pupils for the highest chance of success.”

“We are very proud of all our Year 13 pupils, not only for the commitment they have shown during their studies, but also for their contributions to the Harrow Hong Kong community. I wish them well in their upcoming public examinations in the summer.”

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