Parent Representatives

At Harrow International School Hong Kong, we greatly value the contributions that parents can make as part of the Harrow Community. As such, there are several ways in which parents can be involved in the development of the School and its community.

Each Lower School Class and Upper School House will call for ‘Parent Representatives’ at the start of each academic year. These representatives are an important group who help to facilitate communication between the parents and the School.

Parent Representatives play an important role in developing the community spirit within the School and as part of their role, are asked to assist in the organisation of House and Year Group social events each term. These events help to develop the camaraderie between the different stakeholders in pupil pastoral care, and to develop a relationship between parents and staff.

To further support the relationship, once per term the parents are invited to provide their House representatives with any views that they feel need to be raised with the School’s Senior Leadership Team. The nominated representatives will then discuss these issues with a member of the School’s Senior Leadership Team at a designated meeting, which improves the development of the School procedures and practices going forward. 

Lower School Class Representatives

The overall role of each representative is to promote a sense of community among the parents and, when necessary, to represent the views of the parents in their children’s class. The group meets every term to provide liaison between the Lower School and its parents and provides a forum for discussion about policies, procedures and issues related to the School’s operation in this phase.

Upper School House Representatives

Each House has at least one parent representative in the relevant year group, whose overall role is to promote a sense of community among the parents and, when necessary, to represent the views of the parents in their children’s House year groups. Both groups meet every term to provide liaison between the Senior School and Prep School and their parents and provide a forum for discussion about policies, procedures and issues related to the School’s operation within the House structure.