Doll Making for Charity Puts Smile on KM42 School Children’s Faces

A group of Harrow Hong Kong Prep School girls spent two terms during their extra-curricular activities periods enthusiastically learning how to make felt dolls to send to the 27 students that fully board in the KM42 School in Mae Sot, Thailand.

The school is located near the border between Burma and Thailand and it currently allows 400 Burmese children aged 3 to 16 to receive an education otherwise refused by the Thai authorities and, in some cases, their own parents who take them out to help during the harvest, often at very young ages. The children and their families have been driven, mainly by poverty, to Thailand and once there they became stateless or unregistered and, therefore, have little protection and security.

The charities Help Without Frontiers and Colabora Birmania aim to make education accessible to them and in the last few years they have continuously raised funds to provide them with a school bus, two bamboo dormitory buildings, school lunch, vegetable gardens, etc. It is with the latter that we have established a connection and they have made sure that the toys that the Harrow girls made ended up in the hands of the KM42 School boarders who received them with great happiness.