Local School Visit of Yuen Long Long Ping Estate Wai Chow School
On 8 November, Year 5 teachers and students welcomed 30 students from Yuen Long Long Ping Estate Wai Chow School for an afternoon of fun learning exchange visit. During the exchange, cultural activities were arranged to help students better understand different cultures, as well as teaching and learning processes. For example the students got to know each other through a Philosophy for Children activity where they had to rank a number of school-based scenarios from the most ‘naughty’ to the least ‘naughty’. They then developed their collaboration skills by carrying out a science investigation based on speed, distance and time. In the final session of the day, all students took part in a football or rugby lesson which gave them further opportunity to build friendships and teamwork skills. It was a fantastic afternoon and the Year 5 team is looking forward to building community links with other local schools in the coming months.
The School was delighted to receive the following comments from the primary school’s teacher and students about the visit:
“It is a unique experience combining study and sports. The trip has not only enhanced students’ academic knowledge, but also provided them with a precious opportunity to experience and better understand cultural differences. What’s more, this trip has also provided them with a good chance for learning the similarities and differences of the education systems between local and UK schools.” Ms Thorpe-Willett, Native English Teacher.
“I made friends with children from different nationalities! They were so nice to me!” A student.
“Today I had a brilliant experience at Harrow Hong Kong. The students were very kind to me. I had a great time with them. I really enjoyed this visit.” A student.