School Talk: Plastic Free Seas talks to Y5 students

On Monday 14 September, Year 5 students in the Pre-Prep School were privileged to welcome Dana Winograd from ‘Plastic Free Seas’- a Hong Kong based environmental charity.

 As part of the Year 5 Theme on Sustainability, which encompasses ways in which we can help conserve and protect the environment, Dana came to talk about the problem with the disposal of plastic and other waste materials in Hong Kong. The students learnt about the unpleasant and harmful effects of plastic in the ocean – not only how it pollutes the water and makes it unpleasant to swim in but also how the rubbish contaminates food chains.

 The students were absolutely fascinated with the facts and figures, particularly the one that mentioned food waste, which weighed an equivalent of thirteen A380 aeroplanes! They also learnt about metal straws and reusable umbrella holders. With beaming enthusiasm and a thirst to learn more, the students were eager to ask lots of questions and share their experiences of what they already did at home to help the environment.

 It was a wonderful learning experience for the whole of Year 5 and their teachers, and it has certainly given them food for thought the next time they use a plastic bag or buy a bottle of water!